501 ckW0O0񠑾󕋎00U00f0D0~0Y0K0? 502 񠑾󕋎00L0O(u颯齹g0Y00(S3򠪦0) 503 񠑾󕋎00L0O(u颯齹g0Y00(RIVA򠪦0) 504 򶐀0U00f0D0~0[000 505 񠑾󕋎00L0O(ug0M0~0[000 506 800x600錘 Nn0銐螾g0J0OD0O0`0U0D00 510 S0n0Windowsg0o0O(ug0M0~0[000 511 򶐀0Y00򿦈񍮲k0100Mbyten0zzM0L0臺亯g0Y00 599 DVRex Environment Checker\nVersion %s%s 1501 Is the overlay screen displayed properly? 1502 Overlay supported (S3 Type) 1503 Overlay supported (RIVA Type) 1504 Not tested 1505 Overlay not supported 1506 Set resolution to 800x600 or higher 1510 RexTest cannot be used in this Windows. 1511 You need more than 100MB of free disk space for testing 1599 DVRex Environment Checker\nVersion %s%s